3 Jul 2012

Your first API call with Perl

I find learning more interesting when I have practical example to try, ebay have kindly provided an example of how to make an API call.  Click here for the full tutorial which lists the perl modules required.

If your using a Mac or Linux platform check out these resources first;

Perlbew is an excellent version manager similar to RVM (Ruby Version Manager).

- Cpanminus is an excellent module to ensure the root perl libraries remain separate to the Perlbrew libraries.  A very helpful blog post describes how to install and setup cpanminus to handle the local perl installation and libraries you will setup using perlbew.

- Another blog post describing the modules require for https api calls and a very helpful test script to ensure your setup is working.

If this has kickstarted your interest, these excellent resources are a most to learn more about XML and perl packages and libraries.  If you spend some time surfing the web you will find an online resource for more chapters from Perl and XML by Erik T. Ray and Jason McIntosh.  You can also pick up a used copy on ebay for a few pounds.